Where Should I Put My Solar Panels?

October 7, 2024
Where Should I Put My Solar Panels

When deciding on solar panel placement, one of the most important factors is determining the best direction for your solar panels to face. In Australia, the direction of your solar panels can significantly impact energy efficiency and overall performance. So, what is the best orientation for solar panels in Australia, and how can you optimise your setup? Let’s explore.

Why Solar Panel Orientation Matters

Solar panels work by absorbing sunlight and converting it into usable electricity. This means the angle and direction at which your panels are installed influence how much sunlight they can capture throughout the day. In Australia, given our position in the southern hemisphere, the sun travels across the northern part of the sky.

Therefore, the ideal orientation for solar panels is to face them toward the north to maximise exposure to sunlight – however, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and several factors should influence your decision.

North-Facing Solar Panels = The Default Option

When it comes to solar panel placement in Australia, north-facing panels are often regarded as the most effective for energy production, as this direction allows the panels to absorb the most sunlight throughout the day (especially during midday when the sun is at its highest point). This makes it the best direction to face solar panels if you are looking to maximise overall energy output.

That being said, north-facing panels may not always align with your home’s energy usage patterns. If your energy consumption is higher in the morning or evening, you may not be using the bulk of the energy produced at midday, which could affect how efficiently your system meets your needs.

East- and West-Facing Solar Panels = A Balanced Approach

If your energy consumption tends to be higher in the mornings or late afternoons, east- or west-facing solar panels might be more suitable. East-facing panels capture more sunlight in the morning, while west-facing panels generate more power in the afternoon and evening – this setup can be particularly advantageous if you use more energy during these periods (which many households do).

While east and west orientations might not produce as much energy overall as a north-facing setup, they can be more effective at matching energy production to your household’s consumption patterns. It’s all about finding the best direction for solar panels based on your energy needs, not just focusing on total production.

South-Facing Solar Panels – Rare, But Possible

In Australia, south-facing solar panels are typically avoided because they receive less direct sunlight throughout the day, but there are some scenarios where south-facing panels can work – especially if your home’s roof or other structural elements limit where the panels can be installed.

With advancements in solar panel technology, even south-facing panels can produce enough electricity to meet a portion of your energy needs, particularly if you combine them with an efficient energy storage system. Still, this is generally considered a last resort when the best orientation for solar panels (north, east, or west) isn’t possible.

Optimising for Self-Consumption vs. Exporting Energy

Another important consideration is how you plan to use the energy your solar panels produce. If your goal is to maximise the amount of electricity you export back to the grid (and earn feed-in tariffs), north-facing panels will likely offer the highest returns.

On the other hand, if you are looking to reduce your reliance on grid electricity by using the energy generated by your system in real time, east- and west-facing panels might be more beneficial.

Self-consumption should be a key consideration when deciding on solar panel placement. After all, the more you can use the electricity your system produces, the more money you can save on energy bills.

Panel Tilt and Angle is Another Key Factor

Along with orientation, the angle at which your solar panels are tilted is another critical factor in maximising energy production. In Australia, the ideal tilt angle will generally be close to the latitude of your location – so for example, in Melbourne, a tilt angle of around 37 degrees is ideal, while in Brisbane, it might be closer to 27 degrees. Adjusting the tilt angle can help optimise energy production, particularly in winter months when the sun is lower in the sky.

Location-Specific Factors

Different regions of Australia may have unique considerations when determining which way solar panels should face. For instance, if you live in a region that experiences heavy shading during parts of the day, it’s crucial to assess how this will affect your panels’ performance. A site-specific solar assessment can help tailor the installation to your home’s needs, ensuring you get the most out of your solar power system.

The Role of Modern Solar Technology

As solar technology continues to advance, the efficiency of solar panels has improved, even for non-north-facing installations. High-efficiency panels, micro-inverters, and energy storage solutions make it possible to optimise energy production even with less-than-ideal orientations. For those who are unable to install their panels facing directly north, modern solar setups can still offer substantial savings and energy production.

Invest in Tailored Power Solutions’ Efficient & Reliable Solar Installation Services

Tailored Power Solutions understands that every home is built differently, and that every household’s needs differ too. This is why our expert team works closely alongside you to determine the best orientation for solar panels based on your energy usage and the specifics of your property.

Whether you’re looking to maximise energy production with a north-facing system or customise a solution that meets your specific needs with east or west-facing panels, we’ve got you covered.

Our solar installation services are designed to help you achieve the perfect solar panel placement while ensuring long-term energy savings and environmental benefits. If you’re unsure of the best direction to face solar panels for your home, our team can provide a thorough assessment and offer expert advice tailored to your circumstances.

Whether you’re new to solar or looking to upgrade your current system, Tailored Power Solutions can help you navigate the process. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our various power solutions and start reaping the benefits of clean, renewable energy.

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